A Bullet For Humanity
In What Are You Courageous?

A person can be courageous in everything.

In what are you courageous?

In the good or the bad?

What do you feel sorry for?

A person can be sorry about anything.

About a pointless issue  or about a matter of life and death?

What do you think of?

A person can think of oneself or humanity.

Are you brave enough to see the truth?

Can you feel the grief of innocents?

Or will you ignore what’s going on?

As it’s not happening in your neighborhood,

As they do not belong to your community,

As they do not belong to your religion,


As they are not like your people,

But still people suffer,




Even 0 year old babies

A teenage boy  carrying his wounded brother shot with a coward bullet  from his back,

While carrying his bag,

Left in the middle of the street,

Without a word of farewell,

For no one heard him,

Except God,

They do not die from wounds,

But they die from the ignorance of humanity,

From lack of conscience,

From mercilessness,

We must recognize the rules of life,

We need to understand the reality beyond what we see,

What we have been told for centuries,

How we have been blinded for years,

We must face reality,

Now or Never

So that we can be human.

So that we can be human.

“This is your life…
But, it concerns me too!”

Yahya Hamurcu


  1. Allah beyazda cesaret gösterebilmeyi nasip etsin inşAllah 🤲
    Kaleminize sağlık

  2. We've forgotten to be a human being, or have they made us to do so? We need to know th truth now more than ever. Such a great piece of writing. So inspiring!

  3. This is a generation that mutes the voice of its conscience with temporary pleasures and surges of dopamine everyday. A generation very afraid to wake up, see the realities of life or even stand for what’s right.. This is a great article, more of a reminder.. for those who understand!

  4. May God help us understand the truth beyond what we see🤲

  5. We must remember the facts before it's too late

  6. A very interesting piece, which provokes deep reflections. Maurizio

  7. Well done.
    Very important queston, very important answer.
    Think again🌻

  8. So simple but so strong
    Thank you

  9. Yes I agree with you..İt's a choice we should have been made. Do we have enough courage to see the truth? Everything become so obvious..the good and bad...We need our evidents as well. Are we really good person? We need revival for sure..

  10. I have hope since I see for the first time people from everywhere raising their voices.

  11. People will be faced reality exactly. But most of them will be not alive.

  12. we must face the truth

  13. We need to face the truth behind what is told us, what is taught us and hidden from us...

  14. Merve Aydınlar

    They die from the ignorance of humanity.
    And we forget that GOD is watching.. always has been.. and always will be.. We forgot the rules of the game. Some will finish the game and get their reward and some will wish to have another chance.

  15. Güner Tozkoparan18 Şubat, 2024

    If you don't show courage in the right place, you will show it in the wrong place.

  16. May Allah helps us to show courage in the right place .. Ameen

  17. The only relief we could have, is the absolute reality that ALLAH will give them what they deserve. Surely ALLAH is the most just, punishes will be given to the cruels...

  18. ✍🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  19. Meliha Özdamar19 Mart, 2024

    Thank you for this beautiful article.

  20. Aslıhan Sam25 Mart, 2024

    How ready are we really to face the facts? Those truths that save people's lives, those truths that save your own life... What good is it if an unacceptable truth is in plain sight... I hope to be one of those who have the courage to tell the truth...

  21. Allahverdiyeva Xumar08 Nisan, 2024

    It's very nice, thank you☘️


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